The Power of Sesame Seeds in Ayurveda: From Kitchen to Therapy
The Power of Sesame Seeds in Ayurveda: From Kitchen to Therapy Til is thus a versatile ingredient in Ayurveda, offering both dietary and therapeutic benefits In Ayurveda, **Til (sesame seeds)** is considered a highly valued food and medicinal ingredient due to its numerous properties and benefits. It is regarded as a sattvic food that nourishes the body and mind. Here are the key properties of sesame seeds in Ayurveda: ### **Properties of Til in Ayurveda** 1. **Rasa (Taste):** Sweet (*Madhura*), Bitter (*Tikta*), and Astringent (*Kashaya*). 2. **Virya (Potency):** Heating (*Ushna*). 3. **Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect):** Sweet (*Madhura*). 4. **Guna (Qualities):** Heavy (*Guru*), Unctuous (*Snigdha*), and Soft (*Mridu*). 5. **Dosha Effect:** Balances *Vata* and *Kapha* but may increase *Pitta* if consumed in excess. ### **Types of Til (Sesame Seeds) and Their Benefits** 1. **White Til (...