
Showing posts from September, 2023

Did You Know About BANANA ?

Did You Know About BANANA ?    In Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago, bananas are known as "Kadali" or "Mocha Phala." Ayurveda classifies foods and herbs based on their qualities, tastes, and effects on the body. Bananas are considered to have various Ayurvedic properties: Rasa (Taste): Bananas are primarily sweet in taste (madhura rasa), although they may also have a slight astringent taste. Virya (Potency): They are considered to have a cooling (sheeta virya) effect on the body, which can help balance excess heat or Pitta dosha. Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Bananas have a sweet post-digestive effect (madhura vipaka), which means that they nourish and provide long-lasting energy. Guna (Quality): In terms of qualities, bananas are considered heavy (guru) and unctuous (snigdha), which makes them suitable for balancing Vata dosha when ripe. Unripe bananas may have a more astringent quality. Prabhava (Specia...

Manage Hypertension and complications With Ayurveda..

Manage Hypertension and complications  With Ayurveda..     It's important to emphasize that Ayurvedic treatments should complement and not replace In Ayurveda, managing conditions like hypertension and preventing complications such as brain hemorrhage involves a holistic approach that includes lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, herbal remedies, and stress management. It's essential to note that Ayurveda should complement, not replace, conventional medical treatments. Consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and your healthcare provider for a comprehensive approach to managing hypertension and reducing the risk of complications like brain hemorrhage. In the context of brain hemorrhage, Ayurveda recognizes it as a severe medical condition that can be associated with the vitiation of the Pitta dosha, which represents heat and transformation in the body. Here are some Ayurvedic principles and recommendations for controlling hypertension and reducing the risk of ...