8 foods to avoid consuming with milk

8 foods to avoid consuming with milk To keep the body healthy, people include nutrient-rich things in their daily diet and milk is an important part of that healthy diet. It’s rich in nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamins A, B-6, D, K, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, etc. However, there are certain foods that might not pair well with milk and could potentially lead to digestive discomfort or reduced nutrient absorption. According to Ayurveda, combining certain foods, including milk, with incompatible items may be considered harmful for digestion and overall health. Some examples of combinations that Ayurveda advises against include: Milk and Sour Fruits: Ayurveda suggests avoiding the combination of milk with sour fruits like oranges, lemons, or certain berries. This is believed to create an imbalance in digestion. Even fruits rich in vitamin C should not also be consumed with milk. Did you know why? Well because milk takes longer to digest, and when one opt for milk and lemon...