8 foods to avoid consuming with milk

8 foods to avoid consuming with milk

To keep the body healthy, people include nutrient-rich things in their daily diet and milk is an important part of that healthy diet. It’s rich in nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamins A, B-6, D, K, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, etc. However, there are certain foods that might not pair well with milk and could potentially lead to digestive discomfort or reduced nutrient absorption. According to Ayurveda, combining certain foods, including milk, with incompatible items may be considered harmful for digestion and overall health.

Some examples of combinations that Ayurveda advises against include:

  1. Milk and Sour Fruits: Ayurveda suggests avoiding the combination of milk with sour fruits like oranges, lemons, or certain berries. This is believed to create an imbalance in digestion. Even fruits rich in vitamin C should not also be consumed with milk. Did you know why? Well because milk takes longer to digest, and when one opt for milk and lemon or any citrus fruit together, the milk tends to coagulate. This invites gas and heartburn and takes a toll on your health. It may also cause congestion , cold, cough, rashes, and allergies.

  2. Milk and Meat: Combining milk with meat is generally discouraged in Ayurveda. This is due to the different digestive requirements for these two types of foods. While milk is already a good source of protein, consuming it with other high-protein foods like eggs, meat, or beans might overload your digestive system. The combination of multiple protein sources can be hard to digest and might lead to digestive distress.

  3. Milk and Fish: Similar to meat, the combination of milk and fish is considered incompatible in Ayurveda. Milk has a cooling effect while on the other hand, Fish has heating effect. This combination creates an imbalance that can lead to chemical changes in the body. It could lead to digestive problem and even heaviness.

  4. Milk and Radishes: Ayurveda recommends avoiding the combination of milk with radishes as it may lead to digestive issues. Generally, radish or mooli doesn't have any major side effects. It is advised to avoid eating it before taking food because it may cause a burning sensation in the stomach due to its hot nature. As per Ayurveda, milk should not be taken after having radish either as it is considered to be an incompatible food combination. Milk and radish should be eaten separately as they can interfere with digestion process. Drink milk after at least two hours of eating things made of radish.  

  1. Milk and Melons: Melons, especially watermelons, are believed to be incompatible with milk according to Ayurvedic principles. You may believe that you're combining a super healthy fruit with the ever-so-healthy milk, but you're wrong. Milk tends to act as a laxative and melons have diuretic properties. Hence, teaming them could lead to digestive issue and toxic build-up, which could further lead to vomiting or loose motions. So avoid it.

  2. Milk and Banana: Since ages, we've been told that milk and Banana make for a healthy combination. If you too have been mixing milk and banana together, it's time you wait and stop. The combination of milk and banana is heavy and it takes a long time to digest, and you will also feel fatigued. Therefore, these two nutritious ingredients can be safely enjoyed individually as a part of a healthy and balanced diet.

    Milk and Curd: curd ,According to Ayurveda, milk and curd should never be consumed together. Eating curd with milk or curd after milk, both are harmful for health. Due to this, you may also have stomach related problems and your stomach may also get upset.

  3. Milk and salt: salt, Salty snacks like chips and pretzels can make you thirsty, and when you quench that thirst with milk, the high salt content in these snacks can disrupt the electrolyte balance in the body. This combination might lead to bloating and discomfort.

  4. It's important to note that these guidelines are rooted in traditional Ayurvedic principles, and individual responses to food combinations can vary. Additionally, modern nutritional science does not always support the idea of strict food combining rules. If you are considering following Ayurvedic dietary principles, it's advisable to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance based on your unique constitution and health needs.


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